Freitag, 25. Januar 2019

what to spend the rest of my life on

let start with what we have:
a job a voestalpine
the job is Innovation management
the job is research
the job is in part strategy development

non of this job will make me a millionaire, but I can built on them to allow me to use the resources to get me to where I want to got..

I'm lecturing students once year at Fh Wels

I also like to influence young people and bring them towards their full potential, a lecture a year is of course to small to get that done

A month of looking to the inside

Since Christmas I've been looking and acting to the inside. At first glance, I wasted a lot of time,, because most of m y time was spend on:

but, also did some really good things:

reading Brene Brown: Dare to lead
reading Angela Duckworth: Grit
getting to terms with Innovation in the business development network

a started activating a few business contacts: Elen, Martin, Stefan, Pollhammer; these activities have not given serious progress, but I started into them.

The main question is now: "what to spend the rest of my life on"

Sonntag, 13. Januar 2019

Reading and wanting to act

Over the holidays I started reading (and still do) about Leadership. I started with "Brene Brown: Dare to lead" and I'm in "Angela Duckworth; Grit". While the first Book was more about getting your team forward, the letter is about self improvements.And every now and again I wnat to put the book down and start to do something about it. To try, do experiment, just to do. 'And the question arises: finish the reading or going to apply? When you start right away, you might hurry into the wrong direction. When you wait, you migth forget to act. oOr even worse, you finish the book on Sunday evening und are completely out of the topic by next weekend, whten time would come to realy DO somehting.
I decited to keep read and be aware for the "not doing" risk.

Samstag, 12. Januar 2019

surround yourself with people that inspire you

  • get conneted
  • start to discuss with your students
  • start to discuss with your coworkers
  • re-vitalize old connections 
  • use your trips to conferences and meeting to get into contect
you the sum-up of the 10 people you spend most time with.
at the moment at that company you spend your time surrounded by people who have give up, who look for an easy way to live an easy life. Not because they are bad people, but because the environment does not allow anything more productive, more positive, more inspiring.

2 dimensions support and demanding
follow a long time goal
becoming a supportive adult to the younger generation of our researchers

Sonntag, 6. Januar 2019

Becoming the "Silver Tiger"

learning and developing at age 50+ seems to be a challenge to many.
Is this about "survivng" in a fast changing environment? Is this giving in to "permanently learning society"? Or is it ... enjoyable and fun?
With age there come some drawbacks. Your health may be not as good as it was in your 30's. Learning is a little harder but far from impossible.
There also come some benefits. You are emotionally more stable. Your new learning will be based on all the things you already know. You understand things better in a larger context.

instant gratification

"instant gratification" is a very common topic ourdays. It mean, you expect your gratification instantly or at least as fast as possible. If you buy something, you wnat to have it delivered as fast as possible. 
What ever you do, you want your feedback immedeatly and you want it to be positive.
That causes some problems in todays society. Eating is a form an instant gratification. Programming might be, Surfing the net for facebook, Instagram, Pinterest. go there and you may get, what you want. But this lifestyle get in your way of almost any progress. Sitting down and working hard? Try and fail, try again and fail better? work hard and work long for real progress... how does that fit into "instant gratification".
Why do people go to the gym on a regular basis? Why do they take the effort to learn playing, learning an instrument, a new skill, even a new language? You may think, the people who do that are a completle differne bread of humans. Differently wired, having different brain functionallity?
If it were so, what were the "instant gratificators" doing in former times? They were finding there own gratification system. If you enjoy talking to people, having a discussion is a gratification in itself. If you are happy with numbers, you may figure out a way to display your progress in charts und numbers or success-points.
If you want to implement your own gratification system, by very careful else it may backfire... your communication for the cheer porpuse of discussion without getting anywhere. You may collect data, you may write report etc. simply because you enjoy doing so without getting you much foreward in what direction ever.
On the other hand, if you only monitor your progress, your activity may becomm obcessive. Your have to put in more and more effort to make progress. You cut out of (important) activites that do not help you to progress in that certain field. You overtrain, you overwork, you burn out.

Dienstag, 1. Januar 2019

Neujahr 2019

Eine Neues Jahr hat begonnen. und ich weiß noch nicht recht, was ich mir vornehmen möchte...
Grundsätzlich gibt es natürlich mehrere Gebiete:

aber was ganz konkret würde mich da reizen?
es gibt ein paar einfach Dinge, die ich sofort umsetzen kann; Keine Pommes mehr, kein paniertes Fleisch, keine Schokolade. Schwedenbomben sind erlaubt, Kekse ohne Schoko, Obst. Damit gitl das alte Gewichtsziel: 88.5-89.0 kg sind gut; meine Blutwerte bzgl Gicht+Fett sollen im Normbereich liegen
Fitness ist schwieriger. Ich hatte gestern und vorgestern gefühlt 2 schwere Aussetzer. Am Abend Nitro genommen, seither alles gut... Aber was heißt das für meine Gesundheitsziele?

Mit dem Trainig an sich bin ich durchaus zufrieden. Nach der Lungenvenenablation habe ich den Umfang un die Intensität zurück gefahren. Das passt soweit gut.

Meine Laufleistung ist aber bescheiden. die schnelleren Zeiten stammen vom Okt 2017, d.h. nach Ablation und vor Trainingsanpassung. Alles Aktuelle ist superlangsam geworden. 10 Laufpunkte in 10 Monaten sind aj nun auch kein Training, sondern eher noch ein abtesten. Die Einheiten sind 60 Min Run-Walks. 
Jetzt nicht der Versuchung erliegen und minutiös eine Trainingsplan für die kommenden 10 Monate aufstellen. Die erste Aufgabe ist jetzt, mehr zu laufen. 
1x Laufband 45 Min
1x Ergometer Lang (75+ Min)
1x Ergo moderat (50 min 115W)
1x variable
2x Krafttraining